Family Medicine
Skin Cancer Clinic
Remember to have your skin checked regularly. Early detection of skin cancer is the most effective form of management.
Dr Sergiy Korol has worked extensively in skin cancer care. He offers advice on the best possible treatment options and performs minor surgical procedures to remove any concerning skin cancers. He is committed to long term follow-up.
Childrens Health & Immunisations
Immunisation is important for the protection of our children against harmful infections.
Kennedy Drive Medical Centre provides comprehensive care and all required childhood immunisations are free of charge to eligible patients.
Healthy Kids health check is available to all 4 year olds to ensure kids are happy, healthy and on track for school. This is performed by your Doctor and Practice Nurse and is available through medicare.
Health Assessments
All patients 75 years and older are entitled to a yearly comprehensive health assessment. A Nurse will discuss your health needs and lifestyle requirments to ensure you are receiving the best care and access to any relevant services you may require.
Chronic Disease Management
At Kennedy Drive Medical Centre we have a strong focus on preventative care and management of conditions that are long term (more than 6 months). Patients can access any of our allied health services including podiatry, dietician, psychology & physiotherapy. By having these services situated within our centres we ensure a more streamlined approach to patient care.
Mental Health Care
Changes to medicare rebates has enabled GP’s to provide early intervention, assessment, treatment and management of patients with mental disorders as part of a GP Mental Health Care Plan. As part of this plan it provides a team approach to mental health care working with psychiatrists and clinical psychologists.
Womens Health & Pregnancy Care
Kennedy Drive Medical Centre has services specificially designed for women who recognise good health is an important part of every day living.
For pregnant patients we offer shared antenatal care between your GP and the Tweed and Murwillumbah hospitals.
Pharmacy & Pathology Collection
Our Medical Centre has the convenience of being able to walk through the Chempro Pharmacy. The pharmacy offers pharmacist advice with caring staff to help with all your medication requirments and are open 7 days a week.
QML Pathology is situated within the shopping centre for easy access to all pathology services.