Cardiovascular Risk

Assessment & Management

Heart disease remains a major killer of Australians with 17533 deaths in 2018 On the plus side, fatalities have decreased over 20% in a decade.

Typical symptoms are pain in the chest, left arm, neck, jaw or back, together with nausea, sweating and shortness of breath. Not everyone gets typical symptoms. Warning signs can include tiredness, chest discomfort on exertion and shortness of breath.

Diagnosis is based on history, electrocardiogram (ECG) and blood tests. You will likely undergo an angiogram where dye is inserted into the arteries to examine blood ow to the heart. Survival
rates have increased due to better and earlier treatment. This can include medications, stenting (opening the artery) or surgery. Length of hospital stay is much less than in the past.

Risk factors include a family history, smoking,